Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Our polluted air
Has taken away the stars,
Most of them.
How did we lose the stars?
What were we thinking?
Once bright, steadfast. . .
Some people want to bring back the stars.
Some people want to take away the few we still have.

Children are growing up today,
Deep in our cities,
Barely knowing what stars are;
An undernourished,
Star-starved generation.
Is it not enough that we poisoned their air and their water?
Did we also have to block out the lights
That should kindle their dreams,
That guided the magi,
The Polynesians,
Harriet Tubman?
How will we quench our thirst
Once the drinking gourd is gone?
Will we even know that we are thirsty?

How do you break free
Without first imagining,
And how do you imagine
Without the stars?
Some people want to bring back the stars.
Some people want to take away the few we still have.


  1. I saw bring back the stars. Lets decorate that night sky

    Happy Sunday


  2. They can still be found, away from the cities ... but the cities keep encroaching.

  3. A very important and relevant poem. It truly captures how the younger generation is missing out because smartphones are a thing, nowadays.

  4. Almost everything else is vanishing, too, all too quickly, all too sadly. Some say it's too late to do anything but mourn. I'm beginning to agree with them. But I'm about as ancient as the stars, so....

  5. There's good news and bad news. The good news is we still have the stars, the bad news is we've besmogged our air such that they're occluded. I've always wanted to enjoy a "Rocky Mountain High" ala John Denver, and see it "raining fire from the sky". Your poem is timely and well-written!

  6. An all too true commentary on the world of today! Well penned. I am one of the fortunate ~~~ living on the High Desert in a sky-full of stars.

  7. Yes please bring back the stars I love them Here in NZ we have the most beautiful starry sky. What are the people thinking or wait They are not thinking Well written and loved the expression "A Star-starved generation"

  8. Sadly humans are quite blind to the beauty and purpose of stars. Lighting our darkness with the moon and the stars help us get around at night.

  9. "Losing the stars" -- that's literal and more and more metaphorical as well.

  10. In the outback the skies are unbelievable,,,you can almost touch the stars with your fingertips.


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