Friday, February 19, 2021

Against Hope

They say that hope's a thing with wings,
But such a view has flaws:
What comes with such appendages
Will also come with claws.
Poor Icarus had feathers too,
And yet he took the plunge,
Which brought his parents agonies
That hope could not expunge.
Now, when our loved ones writhe in pain
We hope they’ll find relief
And by this hope we daily learn
That hope’s in league with grief.
For hope’s a thing that draws you in,
It’s unsuspecting prey,
Concealing its intent to pounce—
Let’s keep false hope at bay!


  1. So glad you brought us an oldie ... a goodie! Cheers Graham.

  2. False hope is an infection that spreads unseen and devours everything it touches. So yes, false hope should be kept at a distance.

  3. Yes, I've learned hope isn't something to play with.

  4. Beautifully stated, as always. Personally I think all hope is dangerous – if it takes the place of intention and action.

  5. Hope is usually the last thought after attempting to solve the problem by yourself.


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