Friday, March 26, 2021

Sugar, Tobacco and Cotton

The streets of the spa town are wide
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Gentlefolk amble outside
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Carriages rolling along
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Everyone sings the same song
Sugar, tobacco and cotton

Buildings in regency style
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Stroll in the gardens awhile
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Though it all seems so carefree
Something in Denmark is rotten
What brought these riches we see?
Sugar, tobacco and cotton

Bursting right out of each purse
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Two of the three are a curse
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Look how we’re flourishing now
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Don’t ever stop to ask how
Sugar, tobacco and cotton

Under the lash works a team
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Never taste Devonshire cream
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Sweltering out in the field
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
What will their suffering yield?
Sugar, tobacco and cotton

A baby is born with blue eyes
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Nobody shows much surprise
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
So many siblings for play
So many babes misbegotten
What causes all their dismay?
Sugar, tobacco and cotton

Portugal, England and Spain
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Amsterdam joins the refrain
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Baltimore, Nantes and Bordeaux
What has us all so besotten?
See how they come and they go
Sugar, tobacco and cotton

This is the reason you’re born
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Early to work in the morn
Sugar, tobacco and cotton
Many souls noble and proud
Why have their names been forgotten?
Everyone say it out loud:
Sugar, tobacco and cotton


  1. This is an absolutely brilliant poem, deep and evocative. Bravo

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed the rhythm of this poem. It flowed as a drum, or a warrior chant if you'dike.

  3. I sat at my computer for more than a minute after reading this truly outstanding 'work of art' poem. I needed to digest each and every line, each and every line.

  4. the chorus might as well been "profit, profit and profit" all the evil we do for profit, and all the evil we bend to just to get a tiny share of it... and those who don't get any. well said, very well said my friend, a powerful poem indeed.

  5. A wonderful use of the refrain to set the scene in both fact and mood.
    Such sad truths, still reverberating.

  6. Beautiful piece of work. The refrain subtly adds impact to he poem.
    As Rosemary has said, 'sad truths'. History has not forgotten that empires are built on exploitation and slavery.

  7. This is amazing. The second stanza especially.


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