Monday, November 15, 2021

The One Who Pays the Piper

Oh, golden child, grip tight your silver spoon
And understand this wisdom true and terse:
The one who pays the piper calls the tune

The sage is bought and sold by the buffoon
The mighty pen is servant to the purse
Oh, golden child, grip tight your silver spoon

When Lucifer goes by, the people swoon
The masses are corrupt, the leaders worse
The one who pays the piper calls the tune

Your fortune is an over-stretched balloon
So keep your eyes fixed firmly on that nurse
And, golden child, grip tight your silver spoon

The meek can wait outside and sing Blue Moon
Be glad for what their betters might disburse
The one who pays the piper calls the tune

The traitor is received with a festoon
The honest serve the vile and the perverse
Oh, golden child, grip tight your silver spoon
The one who pays the piper calls the tune


  1. Cautionary poetry ~~~ the world needs to read! Amazing write, Graham.

  2. An amazing write indeed. So well done.
    Anna :o]

  3. Yes, beautifully done, and too sadly true. The obvious fact that money is power must, I think, be the grain of truth which gives rise to all the conspiracy theories.

  4. A cautionary tale for the times.
    i like the repetition of "The one who pays the piper calls the tune". sounds pretty urgent.

  5. money money money, its about about that money, it's it? or i guess i should say power, it's always about maintaining power... the endless fear of losing it. well said graham.

  6. That's a great line - The one who pays the piper calls the tune - and great and well constructed truth telling.

  7. The one who pays the piper calls the tune, true that! I like the rhythmic flow of your words, and the repetition to drive the point. Just brilliant.

  8. I do hear a calling of the pipes over the hill.


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